Welcome to GoBrewIt, your ultimate destination for all things brewing! Whether you're a seasoned brewmaster or a curious novice, we're here to help you embark on a delicious and rewarding journey into the world of beer brewing. One of our top-rated products is the True Brew Beer Kit, and today, we will guide you through the essential steps to craft your very own beer using this fantastic kit. So, let's raise our glasses and dive into the True Brew Beer Kit instructions!

Why Choose True Brew Beer Kit?

The True Brew Beer Kit is a favorite among brewing enthusiasts due to its user-friendly design, high-quality ingredients, and comprehensive instructions. Whether you're a first-timer or a seasoned brewer looking for consistency and convenience, this kit has got you covered. With everything you need in one box, including malt extract, hops, yeast, and even sanitizing solution, the True Brew Beer Kit takes the guesswork out of brewing and ensures a successful, tasty batch every time.

Preparation: Setting the Stage

Before diving into the brewing process, ensure you have a clean and sanitized brewing environment. Thoroughly wash and sanitize all equipment, including fermenters, airlocks, bottles, and siphoning tubes. Sanitation is crucial to prevent contamination, which can negatively impact the flavor and quality of your beer.

Step 1: Brewing Your Wort

The first step in the True Brew Beer Kit instructions is brewing the wort, the sweet liquid that will later become beer. Follow these steps:

Boil: In a large pot, bring water to a boil, then add the malt extract provided in the kit. Stir well to dissolve the malt extract completely and avoid clumping.

Hops Addition: Add the hops, following the specific schedule provided in the kit's instructions. Hops provide bitterness, flavor, and aroma to your beer, so it's essential to add them at the right time during the boiling process.

Cool the Wort: After the boil, quickly cool the wort by placing the pot in an ice bath or using a wort chiller. Cooling the wort rapidly helps prevent off-flavors and promotes clearer beer.

Step 2: Fermentation

With the wort brewed, it's time for fermentation, the magical process that turns wort into beer. Follow these steps:

Transfer to Fermenter: Pour the cooled wort into a sanitized fermenter and top it up with clean, cool water to reach the desired volume.

Pitch the Yeast: Sprinkle the yeast onto the surface of the wort or rehydrate it according to the kit's instructions. Yeast is responsible for converting sugars into alcohol and carbon dioxide, turning the wort into beer.

Seal and Attach Airlock: Secure the lid on the fermenter and attach an airlock to allow carbon dioxide to escape while preventing air and contaminants from entering.

Step 3: Bottling and Carbonation

Once fermentation is complete (usually after about two weeks), it's time to bottle your beer and add carbonation:

Prepare Priming Solution: Boil water and a small amount of sugar to create a priming solution. This sugar will provide the yeast with enough fermentable material to produce carbon dioxide in the sealed bottles, carbonating the beer.

Bottle the Beer: Transfer the beer from the fermenter to sanitized bottles using a siphoning tube. Add the priming solution to each bottle before capping them tightly.

Conditioning: Allow the bottles to condition at room temperature for around two weeks, giving the yeast enough time to carbonate the beer.


Congratulations! You've successfully completed the True Brew Beer Kit instructions and are now the proud brewer of your very own homemade beer. Remember, practice makes perfect, and the more you brew, the more you'll fine-tune your craft.

At GoBrewIt, we encourage you to experiment with different recipes, ingredients, and techniques to create unique and flavorful brews. So, go ahead, gather your friends, and enjoy the fruits of your labor as you savor the satisfaction of crafting your own True Brew!